Unearthing the Catalysts: The Forces Driving Healthcare Change

An image of a large hospital building complex

The New Rules of Engagement: Competing in the Age of Mobile Healthcare

Part 3

Explore the transformative journey of healthcare over the past 15 years, from the 2008 global housing crisis and the HITECH Act of 2009 to the surge of innovation spurred by COVID-19. Discover the opportunities and challenges of the new digital healthcare landscape for hospitals of all sizes. Next up in the series: the unique struggles and advantages of large and small hospitals.

Cody Strate
Unearthing the Catalysts: The Forces Driving Healthcare Change

Cody Strate


With 20+ years of experience, Cody Strate is a go-to expert for hospitals looking to improve their digital presence and patient experience.

July 6, 2023

Article Published

Unearthing the Catalysts: A Timeline of Healthcare Change

Welcome back to the third part of our ongoing series on "The New Rules of Engagement: Competing in the Age of Mobile Healthcare." So far, we have journeyed through the transformation of the healthcare sector and the rising importance of mobile healthcare solutions. This time, we turn the clock back to take a bird's eye view of the major forces that have fundamentally reshaped healthcare over the past 15 years.

The timeline of healthcare change is rife with revolutionary moments, with catalysts springing from unexpected corners. From policy changes to global crises to the relentless march of technology, numerous forces have prompted radical shifts in how healthcare is delivered and perceived.

A quick retrospective reveals just how far we've come. Around 15 years ago, we were at the dawn of a new era, one where electronic health records (EHR) were still gaining ground and hospitals were beginning to grapple with digitization. However, the landscape was to shift dramatically and at a pace that no one could quite predict.

Through this retrospect, we'll focus on three significant pivot points: the global housing crisis of 2008, the HITECH Act of 2009, and the whirlwind transformation ushered in by the COVID-19 pandemic. Each of these moments posed new challenges and opportunities, catalyzing a wave of innovation and disruption that has ultimately culminated in the age of mobile healthcare we are experiencing today.

In the following sections, we'll dive deeper into each of these pivotal moments, unraveling their impacts on the healthcare sector, and setting the stage for understanding the emerging trends and future directions of the entirely unique world of the US hospital industry. Stay tuned, as we delve into the fascinating saga of hospital and healthcare evolution, unearthing the catalysts that have brought us to our present digital and mobile-focused paradigm.

Global Housing Crisis of 2008: A Financial Tremor

In 2008, the world was plunged into economic turmoil by the global housing crisis, a ripple effect of which significantly impacted the healthcare sector. Many hospitals and healthcare organizations found themselves facing financial distress, with shrinking budgets forcing them to rethink their operational strategies. Patient volumes dropped as individuals lost their jobs and their health insurance, triggering a change in how healthcare services were utilized. Amid this financial tremor, the need for cost-effective and efficient healthcare delivery methods became more urgent than ever before.

HITECH Act of 2009: An Accelerator for Consolidation

Health (HITECH) Act was enacted. Aimed at promoting the adoption and meaningful use of health information technology, this act ushered in a new era for the digitization of healthcare. With significant financial incentives, hospitals were nudged towards adopting Electronic Medical Records (EMR) systems, thus fueling the consolidation of healthcare data.

However, as large hospitals swiftly adopted these technologies, the gap between them and smaller, less-resourced hospitals widened. Many smaller hospitals struggled to keep pace with the rapid digitization, leading to a wave of mergers and acquisitions in the healthcare industry. While this consolidation brought about increased efficiency and interoperability in data management, it also raised new challenges related to competition, patient choice, and care accessibility, setting the stage for further transformation in the years to come.

Quality Reads

10 Years Since HITECH: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

HITECH Act Drove Large Gains In Hospital Electronic Health Record Adoption

COVID-19 Pandemic: A Decade of Innovation in a Year

In 2020, an invisible catalyst in the form of the COVID-19 pandemic rattled the world, forcing industries to adapt at warp speed. In healthcare, the virus didn't just stimulate change; it demanded it. The pandemic, paradoxically, became a crucible of innovation, condensing what might have taken a decade into a single year.

The immediate need for social distancing, coupled with an unprecedented demand for healthcare services, catapulted telehealth and mobile healthcare from peripheral alternatives into mainstream healthcare delivery systems. According to Pew Research, as of 2021, 85% of American adults owned a smartphone, creating the perfect technological infrastructure for this seismic shift. In essence, everyone with a smartphone became a potential digital patient, widening the reach of healthcare services exponentially.

But this wasn't just a matter of plugging into existing infrastructure. The behavioral shifts towards these convenient healthcare methods were profound. Patients, previously accustomed to the traditional, in-person healthcare experience, rapidly grew comfortable with virtual doctor visits, remote monitoring, and digital health tools. What once seemed impersonal or technologically intimidating became a safe and convenient way to access care, setting a new standard for healthcare delivery that's likely to persist post-pandemic.

This pandemic-fueled leap in innovation wasn't just about maintaining continuity of care during a crisis. It was a powerful demonstration of the flexibility and potential of digital health, opening up new avenues for healthcare delivery and creating an expectation of convenience that will shape the healthcare landscape for years to come.

Quality Read

Scott Galloway's "Post Corona | From Crisis to Opportunity"

The New Age of Healthcare: Opportunities and Threats for All

We find ourselves now at the dawn of a new age of healthcare, one characterized by digital convenience and constant innovation. In this landscape, technology bridges preexisting gaps, offering unprecedented access to quality healthcare, often right from our pockets. Telehealth and mobile health apps are no longer the future; they are the present.

However, as with any seismic shift, these changes present both opportunities and threats. For hospitals and healthcare providers, regardless of their size, the potential to reach more patients and provide more convenient care is immense. Yet, there's a risk. The digital space is vast and open to all, creating an arena where competition is fierce. Hospitals must find a way to leverage these new technologies effectively or risk being left behind.

Projection and Preservation: The Balance of Power in Healthcare

The advent of digital health technologies offers a unique opportunity for hospitals to project their power beyond traditional geographical boundaries. Telehealth isn't confined by city limits or county lines, allowing hospitals to reach patients far beyond their local communities.

This, of course, invites an interesting dynamic. Larger metropolitan hospitals, with more resources, may be able to develop more sophisticated digital platforms, attracting patients with the promise of cutting-edge technology. Smaller, more agile hospitals, however, can leverage their ability to adapt quickly and deliver personalized care, even in a digital format, to compete in this new landscape.

These strategies have profound implications for patient care and community connections. In our next blog, we will dive deeper into the new strategies hospitals are adopting to navigate this digital healthcare landscape and how they're working to maintain the vital connection to their communities in this new age.


As we trace the trajectory of healthcare through the past 15 years, it is clear that significant change has swept the industry. From the financial tremors triggered by the 2008 global housing crisis to the push for digitization following the HITECH Act of 2009, the healthcare landscape has continually evolved. This evolution was thrust into overdrive as the COVID-19 pandemic gripped the world, sparking a decade's worth of innovation in just a year.

In this transformed landscape, technology now defines healthcare's future, creating a duality of opportunities and threats for all providers. Hospitals, regardless of size, are compelled to step beyond their physical boundaries and compete in a digital arena, balancing the projection of their services and preservation of community connections.

But this story is far from over. In our next installment, "David vs. Goliath: Size Matters in Resource Gap Between Large & Small Hospitals," we will delve into the unique challenges and opportunities facing hospitals of different sizes as they navigate this digital healthcare landscape. Stay tuned as we delve deeper into the nuanced struggles of small and large hospitals alike, and what these mean for the future of healthcare.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss how these changes could affect your organization, feel free to CONTACT US at Novel Koncept. We're here to guide you through these exciting yet complex times and together, we can navigate the ever-evolving world of healthcare.

Up Next: David vs. Goliath: Size Matters in Resource Gap Between Large & Small Hospitals

Cody Strate


With 20+ years of experience, Cody Strate is a go-to expert for hospitals looking to improve their digital presence and patient experience.

Cody Strate

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